「既然手边有树叶,我可以为你吹奏一曲。 」
Freshman (Fall)
C 语言:Introductory C Programming Specialization (Duke)
Python 语言:CS61A, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Berkeley)
C++ 语言:CS106L, Standard C++ Programming (Stanford)
C++ 语言:AP1400, Advanced Programming (AUT)
数据结构与算法:CS61B, Data Structures (Berkeley)
高等数学 I:Advanced Mathematics I
高等代数 I:Advanced Algebra I
程序设计 I 荣誉课程:Introductory Programming I (Honors)
Freshman (Spring)
离散数学:CS70, Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (Berkeley)
高等数学 II:Advanced Mathematics II
高等代数 II:Advanced Algebra II
普通物理 B:General Physics B
程序设计 II 荣誉课程:Introductory Programming II (Honors)
运筹学建模与算法:Operations Research: Modeling and Algorithms
人工智能与 Python 程序设计:Python Programming for Artificial Intelligence
数据分析基础:Data Analysis
市场研究应用估值方法:Applied Valuation Methods in Economics and Market Research
概率图模型入门:Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models
Sophomore (Fall)
统计学习要素 The Elements of Statistical Learning
数据结构与算法 I 荣誉课程:Data Structure and Algorithm I (Honors)
计算机系统基础 I:Foundations of Computer Systems Ⅰ
概率论与数理统计:Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
离散数学荣誉课程:Discrete Mathematics (Honors)
中级微观经济学 A:Intermediate Microeconomics A
Sophomore (Spring)
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